Later Life Lending
More than just Equity Release
Why an equity release or lifetime mortgage?
Equity Release products are designed for people over 55 to take cash value from their homes without having to move.
An equity release or lifetime mortgage can be a suitable option in many circumstances whether it be for:-
Increasing your income for day to day living
Home improvements
Clearing an existing mortgage
Assisting your children with a deposit for their first home
Or simply to enjoy your retirement
To pay for care to enable you to stay in your own home

During our discussions we can also look at normal residential mortgages, older borrower and retirement interest only mortgages to ensure you have the most suitable mortgage based on your circumstances.
It is important that you see a qualified adviser about this and ensure it is the right option for you. We will make the process as simple as possible and help you make an informed decision as to whether an equity release mortgage is the best course of action. We are a registered member of the Equity Release Council and work throughout Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and London.