Further Information

Sole trader or partnership

  • require last 3 years tax calculations and tax year overviews. * See below instructions

Director of a limited company owning 20% or more shares in the company

·       last 3 years tax calculations and tax overviews. * See below instructions.

·       last 2 years limited company accounts. * See below instructions.

Tax Calculations and Tax Year Overviews*

These can be requested from your accountant or obtained via the HMRC website, below are the instructions of how to obtain them:-

How to print a Tax Calculation from your HMRC online account

  1. Log into the HMRC online account (go to www.online.hmrc.gov.uk)
  2. Select ‘Self Assessment’ (if you are only registered for Self Assessment then you will automatically be directed to this screen)
  3. Follow the link ‘View Your Tax Return’
  4. Follow the link ‘tax return options’
  5. Choose the year from the drop down menu and click the ‘Go’ button
  6. Click the ‘view return’ button
  7. Follow the link ‘view calculation’
  8. Follow the link ‘view and print your calculation’
  9. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to 'print your full calculation'

How to print a Tax Year Overview from your HMRC online account

  1. Log into the HMRC online account (go to www.online.hmrc.gov.uk)
  2. Select ‘Self Assessment’ (if you are only registered for Self Assessment then you will automatically be directed to this screen)
  3. Follow the link ‘Self Assessment Overview’
  4. Follow the link ‘view account’
  5. Follow the link ‘tax years’
  6. Choose the year from the drop down menu and click the ‘Go’ button
  7. Follow the link ‘print your Tax Year Overview’.